Ethnopunk Journey

Following Pilgrimage Steps of Ancient Japan

The Journey: MK and Hari embarked on an incredible pilgrimage, traversing over 2000 kilometers across ancient Japan over the past three years.The mission: Spread the magic of shamisen music and shishimai dance, build connections, research, and revive Japan's ancient culture, diving deep into tradition, seeking authentic expression, and give birth to a brand-new creative tradition!

Our adventure began on June 21, 2020, in Kamakura, with a mission to embark on a 2,000 km walking pilgrimage to Yakushima.Along the way, we performed traditional music and dance shows, creating a unique fusion of cultures. Our performances feature traditional Japanese shamisen music, Slovakian fuyara flute music, and the mesmerizing shishimai dance.Over the past three years, we've journeyed through Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Mie, Wakayama, Nara, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and then Kyushu; Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Kagoshima and reached the final destination, the Jomon Sugi tree, in Yakushima.

Enjoy some of our videos on YouTube that offer glimpses into the adventures we've had along the journey.:

Our initial aspiration is to immortalize this extraordinary adventure in the pages of a captivating book, weaving together the tales and experiences we've gathered throughout our travels.

In conclusion, our epic journey from Kamakura to Yakushima, spanning over three years and covering 2,000 km, has been an incredible adventure filled with cultural fusion, personal growth, and unforgettable experiences. From performing traditional music and dance shows along the way to immersing ourselves in the diverse landscapes and cultures of Japan, each step has been a testament to the power of human endurance and the beauty of connection. As we prepare to share more about our journey very soon, including an interactive map, location information, stories of the people we've met, the history we've encountered, and many more adventures, we invite you to join us on this remarkable expedition of discovery and inspiration.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of our adventure!